Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

what is this all about? our guys have to have hair cuts and shaves etc but they get away with it because of their believes? isnt it right that real religious people shouldn even be in the army as it is against their believes to fight? i mean true believers not the ones that support Holy Wars and cr*p like that. shouldn all soldiers have the same rights?

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

Firstly, Nobody is forcing these guys to join up. They all know this before they sign up.

Secondly, How could you work in a chemical environment if your respirator is not properly sealed due to long hair, beards etc.

If you were a tank commander or aircrew you wouldn't be able to use the headphones which are fitted to the helmets if you were wearing a turban

It's practicality NOT Racism

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

what are you talking about? In whose army? Pretty sure I've never seen anyone in OUR army wearing any of the above...it's against regs.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

Go fight for India then!, cheers.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

no turbans in the US armed forces please. also, the Bible says for all things there is a season under heavan. a time to kill, a time to live, a time hate, a time to love, etc. Even Israel killed when it was nessecary, and they did it at Gods direction.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

You really are a chump! Sikhs were the backbone of the Indian Army and always wore Turbans and Beards. Orde Wingate had a beard. What is wrong with you? Go and read something other than the N of the W

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

You say "our guys" like the guys with differing religious beliefs are not??

Just because someone wears a turban does not make him a foreigner. I would imagine that a lot of these young lads are 2nd , 3rd or even 4th generation of (mostly) Asians that moved here. They were born here and THEY ARE BRITISH.

I agree that it does seem a little unfair for them to wear their hair and beards differently. But it also seems unfair that you think they are not "our guys". I suppose you don't object to their willingness to fight for your( and their) rights and your (and their) country?

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

Everyone that enters into the British Army should be treated equally, regardless of beliefs. If people aren't happy about things that are mandatory practice, they needn't apply.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

In 1950 I was at a military camp on Vancouver Island and shared guard duty with the only soldier in the Canadian army allowed to wear a turban. That was 57 years ago this summer!

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

yes, all soldiers should have same rights and same rules.

But what happens is that certain communities have specific dress/appearance code(like we have sikhs is India)

there the problem arises. But what we need to know is that short hair, shaves etc are just a part of the routine in the army which helps the soldiers stay quick and crisp. if someone feels tying a turban in the battleground won't be a time taking exercise then we can let that be their problem.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

let them wear what they want i say. when they go into an area that has been gassed and their gas masks don't work because they have beards it will be their problem. I agree, there are reasons for the rules for appearance. not just to look professional, but for your safe being as well.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

I'm a British soldier and this stinks of racism. I am appalled that on most army camps there is a church but no mosques, Hindu or Sikh temples, synagogues or the other mainstream religions of other countries and nationalities.Geez I have a devil worshipper in my platoon but no provision is made for him, outrageous!!! No kosher or halal meat is served and we do not give respect to Ramadan or other religious festivals. Haggis is only served sometimes on January 25th. Females can have long hair wear make up an ear rings and the likes males can't. When it comes down to it mate, I've served in many different countries on OPs and I don't give a s**t as long as the guy or gal beside me is doing the job he/she is meant to be and doing it well.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

For those who don't know the US army allowed certain religious persons (Sikhs) to wear a beard and turban until about 1980.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

Sanders hit the nail on the head with his answer, all else is moot.

138,000 Indian soldiers served in WW1 alone, many of them Sikhs. If a person can perform their duty, look out for their mates etc then it doesn't matter if they are wearing a turban or have a crew cut.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

The US military would not make exceptions for long hair or beards and they would not be allowed to wear turbans either...all would interfere with the person's ability to wear safety devices, gas masks and work around equipment. While the US would let him have the time needed for prayers, they would have to meet all appearance and safety requirements.

I have no knowledge of the rules for the British army.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

in respect of richard c, the reason for the regulation haircuts and only moustaches and no beards is due to the correct fitting of the nbc respirator. facial hair can undermine its seal against the skin making it inaffective against the poisons it is designed to keep out.

so in military terms everyone is or should be made to shave but fair enough if the sihks and hindus dont want too, let them die.

also the combat helmet is designed to deflect and offer limited protection in the case of enemy fire or explosions but again if sikhs and hindus want to wear turbens let them, its there brains on the deck not mine.

rules and regulations are made for everyone for safety and protection not for religious beliefs if they dont like it simple pack your kit and **** off.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

In the British Army you can wear Turbans and grow a beard if it is part of your religion. Christians can also wear a crucifix and wear wedding rings.

These guys are willing to fight for the UK and often do so against their family's and community's wishes, a bit like when guys from Northern Ireland joined the Army/RUC.

A few years ago we had a lot of guys that wanted to change their religion to Jedi Knights. We were all for it and so were they until we mentioned the fact they they could do all the Xmas duties seeing as they were no longer Christians.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

When you sign up for the British army, you sign up for their rules as well. Their rules also cover appearance. Generally you must be clean shaven (or a very small neat tache) and short, neat and tidy hair. Women must also tie their hair back really tightly into a bun.

There are two reasons for this. One is neatness and uniformity which the armed forces love.

But also its to do with combat effectiveness. If you have a beard or a turban, try and put on NBC kit. Its a plastic full length reasonably tight fitting suit with a full respirator. If you have facial hair it doesnt allow the respirator to achieve a close enough fit and you will choke on poisonous gas.

Heres what NBC kit looks like -


Soldiers choose to fight, they dont have to sign up and they agree to live with the rules of the armed forces which are explained very clearly to them.

Turbans,beards and long hair in the army??

In the British army the wearing of turbans and growing of hair by Sikhs has always been allowed.During the WWII one and a half million men from the Indian sub continenet joined the army to fight for the British and were welcome.Why should they forgo their religion to serve their country?.By the way they are a warrior caste and renowned fighters so their religion is the perfect one for soldiers.Sikhs also wear turbans if they join the UK police .The Royal Navy allow beards the army also allow them for pioneers as it is traditional though rarely seen these days.It is not breaking any rules but follows a long an honourable tradition that there are exceptions in the regulations .

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