Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long Hair???????

ok so i have really long hair, and i don't like to wear it down, and i asked my mom i could cut it she said ok ,but my grandma said no you are not going to cut it, if i do shes going to be really sad and shehas diabetis.

Long Hair???????

I had long hair and I could sit on it when I was younger, my father would not let me cut mine either, when I was 17 I cut it out of spite, I wish I hadn't now. I have a friend that has a little girl that is going through kemo therapy and now I wish I could give it to her. Locks of Love is a great place to donate your hair to. I'm sure your grandmother would be proud of you for that. Your hair does grow back.

Long Hair???????

Tell her you'll donate it to a good cause. Then ask if she'll still be upset about it, thinking about the poor little girls who are bald because they are going through kemo to remove their cancer.

Long Hair???????

ok... ummm this is tough well tell your g-ma that u really want to cut it and that it is your life not hers!tell her it will proly look better. but dont be too harsh! (oh and dont cut your hair too short! i like long hair just not really long)

Long Hair???????

You cutting your hair won't kill your gramma just because she's diabetic. She might be disappointed, but she'll get over it. It's your head and you're entitled to cut your hair if you want.

Long Hair???????

Well jsut do whatever you decide to do! tell both of them it's your hair and you can do what you want with it! And If you keep it long and dont like wearing it down, then style it! Put it in a messy bun, cute ponytail, or get a perm if you think that would look good! Even dying it or highlights could change that! Hope I helped, good luck! :-)

Long Hair???????

well that's your hair. jus bcuz she has diabetis, it doesn't give her the right to boss you around all the time. if she truly loves you, she wouldn't care if you cut your hair. Besides, your hair will always grow back.

Long Hair???????

Personally, I love long hair. So do a lot of guys I know. So why bother cutting it. On the other hand, if you really want to, it's YOUR hair, not your Grandma's.

Long Hair???????

Well if it's really long and you never wear it down, I would get it cut in a cute, short style. Plus, all that long hair gets really hot in the summer time! And you could donate it like one of the guys said.

Long Hair???????

Ask if you can compromise, take a few inches off. That's how I got rid of my long hair when I was a kid, inches just kept comming off. But just see if a compromise can be reached. Tell them that when you wash your hair you're getting a headache and neck ache from all the weight of the wet hair too.

Long Hair???????

If it is too long for you to maintain properly, I would talk to your grandmother and explain the reasoning for cutting your hair. Than, I would cut it to just over shoulder length where it is still long, but more manageable.

Long Hair???????

It is your hair, and you should be able to cut it, of course. Your grandma may have diabetes, but she should be able to control her emotions. To be honest, nobody should be getting upset about a hair cut; it's ridiculous. If she likes long hair so much, she can grow her own or get a wig. Do not worry too much about what your grandma thinks of your hair, simply because she has diabetes.

Long Hair???????


Long Hair???????

well, if i were u, i won't cut it... long hair is just beautiful.. u don't have to hold it up all day.. just enjoy urself with it.. but if u want short hair so much,, u do what u want... it's ur hair after all..

Long Hair???????

I have really long hair to and when I cut it my mom was a little upset but hey its just hair... she got over it and it grew back... i missed my hair when i cut it.... i cut it really short well a little above my shoulders... and I suggest that if u do cut it try not to do it so extreme... and its your hair you have to deal with it and not anyone else... if thats what u really want to do u should talk to your grandma and explain to her your reasons for cutting it....but in reality its just hair... it grows back and I understand your concerns for her... its all about respect... think about it...

Long Hair???????

Tell her you want to donate your hair to help people who have cancer. That might make her feel better about it and it could be a great way to make difference in someones life at the same time.

Long Hair???????

hun its YOUR HAIR and ur body and ur life!...i got long hair too...use to be down to my backside and i know what its like to wear down and get in way all ex made me cut it all off once and i cried for ultimately ur choice hun but if u keep it just try different styles like wearing a sexy bun that it showing the ends of ur hair sprouting out...or braiding it is good, and if ur hairs straight try ringlet perm or curls...a change is as good as hun... : )

Long Hair???????

just do whatever you want to. just donate your hair to locks of love. maybe your grandma will say yes. some good short hair styles are a really cute pixie. if you don't want to go that short try shoulder length. i have that and it is really cute and it's easy to style.hope it works.

Long Hair???????

I say do what ever you desire--it's not anyone else's hair but your own. Sure if you go ahead and cut it your grandma may be 'sad' but eventually she'll learn to accept it--there are more important things in life to worry about than hair length. It's not like she's going to disown you if you do it and if she does that's pretty messed up.

Long Hair???????

Maybe you should talk to your grandma about how unhappy

you are at this time about your appearance and that you would

really like to cut it to help youself feel happier.

I understand how long hair is because my hair is just pass

my shoulders and there are not that many hair styles out here

for people with long hair. You really are kinda limited. However,

if she does not go for it and if you have not done so all ready,

try to go for that ( choppy "long" layers) or maybe two tone it to

give it that pop star look!

Long Hair???????

Keep your Long Hair men find it attractive! I'll believe you may regret it later if you chop it off! Besides that you don't want Grandma feeling badly do you? It's great that you're concerned about your Grandmother.

Long Hair???????

I am a Grama and have a granddaughter with very long beautiful hair. If she came to me and wanted to cut it off ...I would be sad. BUT it is not my head, I don't have to take care of it! If she were to tell me she were donating it to children with cancer ,I would cry. I love her so much - with or with out hair! Hair does not make her more or less to me. You go talk to your Grama and tell her how you don't want to upset her, and what you want to do. Talking to Grama is not going to tip her Diabetis in any way, if she uses that it's underhanded. Tell her how much you love her, melt her heart. She will change her mind. She loves you!

Long Hair???????

I know how you feel, I had long hair up until 1 ago. I always had it up, but would wear it down at christmas time. When I cut it off, all six grandparents and my dad were really mad at me. Geesh it was just a foot and a half of hair. They'll get over it, plus, now that it's shorter (shoulder length) I wear it down almost every day. And that makes everybody happier.

Long Hair???????

1) Unless you get a buzz cut, long hair is easier to care for if you know how ( )

2) If you do decide to cut it, do NOT donate it to Locks of Love. ( ) ACCORDING TO THEIR WEBSITE, they recieve over 2,000 hair donations a week, make a wig for about every 10 donations, yet make only about 1000 wigs a year. Locks of Love is NOT for cancer, and the wigs are NOT free. ( )

3)Wearing your hair up will protect it anyways.

Long Hair???????

Ok it depends how long your hair is I have long hair about to my shoulders I usually cut it every so often, but Its your hair If its long enough for you to trip over it its well too long. I say cut it to atleast your shoulders thats the popular legth.

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