Tuesday, July 28, 2009

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

It shouldn't matter, if you still like it, keep it. Don't care what anyone else thinks.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?


At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

22........you should be out of college by then

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?


At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Never! Keep your hair. Girls love it.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Guys should never have long hair. It's disgusting and it's skeevy and girls don't like that stuff.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?


At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Before they get old........that looks so ugly a tiny pony tail in a bold head ....no way!!!閳?br>At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

It depends. Look at Joe Perry, Steven Tyler, etc.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

never, long hair is better

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

at sight...once the hair is too long just cut it...It's a waste of space and shampoo.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

I have long hair and people think i'm a girly, hippy. They're right, but i just say "OI! YOU! I LIKE MY HAIR!" I'll cut it when i start going bald.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

well guys should never have long hair anyway. Its not very attractive

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

right now!!!!!

whatever age you are it doesnt matter. it is a misconception that long hair is stylish for guys. only like one in a million guys look can pull off the long hair look. if you are not one in a million cut it off now..sorry if i am rude but the well groomed look never dies.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Unless you are famous, I would say 23.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

It all depends, do they keep it neat and clean, what kind of job do they have, are they in business working with the public, what is their personal choice, hair length on men is as a personal choice as it is on women

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

any time after 1989 whould be good.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Well, are you going for a Gallagher sort of thang?

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Never. Long hair on a masculine, hot man is awesome.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?


At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

If they keep it clean and healthy - Never.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

they should never have long hair to start with...

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

before they try to find a real job

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

I feel that it depends on how long your hair is, since you didn't say if it was just past your ears or past your shoulders?

If you are of working age then most places cannot discriminate against your choice of how to wear your hair unless it is extreme-like a mohawk or is not a natural color, then they may say something. Most places of employment will state that you have to have it in a ponytail or under the hat, if you are wearing one.

I was 16 when I met my husband (almost 20 yrs ago) and he had shoulder length wavy hair and that is what first attracted me to him, because it was different, not to mention kinda sexy.

If you don't want to cut it, its your choice. If you want to experiment with a different look that may be best than going way too short at one sitting-have a little cut every two weeks or so until you feel comfortable with your style.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

whats age got to do with it

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

I am a fan of long hair on guys. I think long hair is more masculine than short hair. There is nothing girly about a lion's mane.

Blind conformity is unattractive at any age.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

Whenever they feel like it. You shouldn't have to be told when to cut your hair. That's just dumb.

At what age should guys with long hair cut it off?

When he starts to pursue employment opportunities.

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