Saturday, August 1, 2009

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

My hair is pretty long and thick. I want to keep the length but narrow out the width so my hair isn't bulky when I put it infront of or behind my shoulders. I've seen many girls with this hairstyle where their hair is still long yet not overwhelming because it's cut in the shape of a 'V' instead of straight across. And the ends look really thin.

How do I describe this to the hairdresser? Is it layers? And should I get the ends thinned out as well? Last time I cut my hair (at supercuts :( ) I tried to tell a hairdresser to give me this hairstyle but he gave it 'texture' and made my hair look all raggedy and disgusting.

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

u wnat it layered in front and all around.

aka tapered

also to get rid of some bulk ask her to thin out ur hair a little.

ragedy is not disgusting unless ur hair was stringy.

p.s. never cut ur hair at super cuts or ne other place u can get a hair cut under 10 bucks...u get what u pay for with hair

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

I found an instructional video on youtube, where you can do it yourself. And I found it to be very helpful.

All you need is a good mirror, a comb, hairdressing sissors, thinning shears/hair razor. Report It

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

just tell them a "v" style haircut or show them a pic of how you want it.

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

go bald.

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

It's called "Tapered"

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

Okay, you may think that it's styled like that but it's NOT. People who grow their hair out long without getting a haircut get really bad split ends. This causes the "v" shape. It may be desirable to you and I'm sure if you'd like your hairdresser could cut it like that but usually a person who knows hair would refuse to do that because it's a sign of unhealthy hair.

'V' hairstyle/haircut for long hair?

ughh that same thing happened to my TWICE this summer [i didnt get a V haircut but with my bangs]! just try to explain it like you did in the question, at first i didnt get what you said just from "V" hair cut but then i read it and im like "ohh yeah"! =]]

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