Saturday, August 1, 2009

Little boy with long hair?

My son is almost 2. He used to get his hair cut regularly, I do it at home. At around 1 year, he became afraid of the clippers.

I think it is the vibration, plus seeing his hair coming off.

I have not cut his hair since the day he was afraid. It is about 3 inches long from his scalp now.

Every time I cut our 4 yr olds hair, or Daddy's hair, I will put him in the chair after and we will try a pretend hair cut. He still does not like it, and as soon as he acts afraid I let him down.

I don't think there is any reason to cut his hair if it is going to scare him. I don't want to hold him down screaming, just so he "looks like a boy"

A lot of people have told me that he is starting to look like a girl, with his long hair. He wears boyish clothes, so I just ignore it.

My question is, is it bad to let his hair grow until he wants it cut?

Why is long hair looked at so badly for a little boy?

Little boy with long hair?

Have you tried using scissors instead of clippers?

If you are fine with his hair, I would not worry about it, he is so young right now.

Little boy with long hair?

I think he's got the right just as anyone else older than he is to chose when he wants his hair cut. Who cares if he looks like a girl, I mean if he came out with girly facial features you wouldn't try and change his face around to make him more boyish looking.

Little boy with long hair?

i think he is looked at like this because he is so little. I mean when the boys are teens they basically all have long hair but because when its a little boy and the mom decides when the child gets it cut, they look more clean shavin. I think that if u take him to a place and they offer him camp they may be aole to help out alot. Good luck U hope he gets over his fear.

Little boy with long hair?

It isn't about the hair at all. He needs to learn that what you say goes!! Hold his head still, get some help from someone, maybe put in a movie...

Tricking him into sitting still with a movie or toy will at least help him learn appropriate behavior while getting a hair cut. You can slowly reduce the movies etc...later.....

Think about what is going to happen when there is something really important that he has to do.........Every thing is a teachable moment for a child.

Little boy with long hair?

I don't see anything wrong with long hair on a boy, but you might want to see if you can at least cut his fringe with a pair of scissors - perhaps scissors won't bother him so much.

Little boy with long hair?

well when I was growing up everybody had long hair. Well everyone except for me. I had to settle for sort of a half frizzy curly afro type of thing. I looked like an idiot LOL. I do notice alot of kids are starting to wear their hair longer again, I predict that eventually in a few years longer hair will be the style again. Don't force him, when he starts going to be around other kids he will want to have a hairstyle that doesn't stand out so much. Most kids do anyway and he will want you to cut if it is really long. It will probably solve itself. I wouldn't fret too much about it. You could always cut with scizzors too.

Little boy with long hair?

Dont listen to everyone else. Just listen to your son. If he is scared, then he is scared. Dont push him. Everyone else can stare or whatever, you know your son is a boy. To hell with everyone else. Just listen to what your son wants!

Little boy with long hair?

I dont think it is the ppl that are saying this are prude's and they incorrperate Long= hippie? Not only is it a fear to cut your son's hair maybe he like's it long... If he looks like a girl then kinda mess it up do brush it stright down!!

Little boy with long hair?

In some cultures long hair is good on a boy. however, if he has long, blond, wavey hair and a feminine face, then you may put a higher priority on his looks...

My toddler is a little afraid of the clippers. I actually cut part of my hair with the clippers, then left the clippers where he could see them on the counter. He played with them for awhile, then asked me to turn it on. I had a guard on it, plugged it in, turned it on, and let him feel the vibration on his hand. I put the biggest guard I had on it, and cut his hair a little bit - starting at the back. He was OK for a minute, but asked me to stop before I got done. We did this a few times, and his hair did look pretty stupid because of the type of hair he has (it does NOT look good long). But gradually he got used to it. He still protested, but I put him on the counter, let him lean against me and hug me, I put one arm on him and cut his hair. We got through it just fine that way a couple times now.

Little boy with long hair?

It's not I think it's really cute! : )

Little boy with long hair?

I know a little boy in my daughters t-ball class that I swore was a girl, not just hair but facial features too, just don't have it where its braided like that mom did. ponytail fine, french braid not so manly.. My son has semi long hair( a lot longer then my hubby wants it to be).

Little boy with long hair?

There is nothing wrong with males ahving long hari. People have set there own stereotype for what a boy and girl should look like and since he has long hair, they feel they should say that. WHen he becomes older he wont look like a girl becuase he will be more defind in his physical structure so ignore what people say and love your child.

Little boy with long hair?

i would try using scisors instead of the clippers and maybe try getting someone else to do it but it seems more like a behavior issue to me.

Little boy with long hair?

My son gets regular haircuts but we keep his hair a little long because he has beautiful curls. I think you're doing the right thing. Scaring" a 2 y/o into doing anything may "cement" the fear. Keep doing what you're doing and try to help him accept the process. Trust me, your son will not go to kindergarten without having his hair cut. Many 2 y/olds have fears that seem irrational to adults. But if you think about it, its quite normal not to want something loud and unfamiliar near your head. Your son still thinks that his hair is a permanent part of him and this loud scary thing is cutting it off. People who say your son (and mine) "looks like a girl" are attaching way too much meaning to hair! A 2 y/o doesn't even understand yet what it means to be a boy...these people are putting their own gender identification issues on our kids. Don't listen to them, they're the ignorant ones, not you. You should not let these people say negative things about your son-especially in front of your son-they have no right to make him think there's something "wrong" with him.

Little boy with long hair?

This absolutely is about discipline!!! Haircuts are a part of life! Let him cry. He'll eventually accept it. Mark my words: Your boy is going to grow up to be a master manipulator.

Little boy with long hair?

Well, don't cut his hair with clippers then, afterall it feels like a bloody great big bee or wasp so no wonder natural fear sets in. If you don't feel comfortable with this then take him to a hair dresser to get them to do it. Make sure its a really nice woman though. Much less intimidating.

When I was 2 and a half, my mum used to trim my hair just to save a bit of money, fine, but once she took a chunk out of my ear and I would never let her near me again. And it would have done me no good to be forced into it which my mum didnt try.

You could let him cut his own hair with clippers. Afterall, its not like its complicated to do and he is in control and once he trusts it he might let you do it. Obviously be there with him but let him try it himself. Show him it cant hurt you by running them up and down your arm or his, but never push it too far. it might take a while to sort this out.

Little boy with long hair?

if he's not afraid of scissors, just let him grow it out and keep it neat and trimmed. eventually he'll get older and realize his fear of clippers is silly and perhaps want a hair cut. do not force him into doing something that upsets or scares him.

Little boy with long hair?

I wouldn't worry. My son has long hair and wants to grow it longer. It is hair, what does it matter. Long hair is the in thing here so that suits my son well. I looked at his pictures, that is NOT long hair. He is fine, ignore anyone that hassles you. Keep offering to cut it and eventually he will get over his fear

Little boy with long hair?

i don'y think how long his hair is is a problem.but he will have to get his hair cut at some point or it will be down to his knees. have you tried just trimming his hair with sissors or taking him to the hairdresser.i took my son to the hair dresser once a week and just explained he was scared and she let me take him in and sit to watch a few time until he was willing to get in the chair.he will always be scared if you let him

Little boy with long hair?

Maybe you could take him to the barbers to get his hair cut with a pair of scissors. Make a big deal about it and turn it into a "big boy" occasion. If all goes well and he sees that there's nothing to be afraid of he'll probably let you cut his hair from then on.

I also don't agree with holding him down and forcing a haircut on him. Why traumatize the little guy? If he listens and behaves well in every other aspect you obviously don't have a discipline problem..he's just scared of the clippers.

Little boy with long hair?

i think yes, it is bad to let it grow 'until HE'S ready'. you're the mom. maybe don't put him in front of the mirror or see the hair that is being cut. see if the beautician/barber can do it just with scissors.

i personally hate it seeing a little boy w/long hair. my personal opinion is that it looks terrible, that little boys should have short hair. like that Kate Hudson's kid, terrible!!

some places have hair cutting places for kids or a section for kids, call around your local hair places; maybe they can make it fun for him and less traumatizing.

good luck

Little boy with long hair?

My boys always had long hair, until they didn't want it anymore. But i cut there bangs and around there ears.I use to give my kids a sucker when i cut there hair. It kept there mind off the scissors and they were getting candy.It's worth a try, that is what worked for me when they went on there hair cut strike.

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